
For Therapists

Providing free psychotherapy resources for those seeking therapists or unable to afford one, this platform serves as a comprehensive reference hub. It offers periodic insights on therapy, psychology, counseling, and discussions on topics like sexuality and politics in the context of mental health. It aims to challenge systemic oppression within the field and queer the profession.

A Brief Guide for Mental Health Professionals Whose Clients Are Sex Workers by the Equitable Care Certification

Guidelines for mental health practices with clients who engage in sex work.

Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction

“What Therapists Need To Know: COVID-19 in 2024” By Olivia Belknap and Erin Batali, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainees

The Network to Advance Abolitionist Social Work (NAASW) strives to amplify a practice of social work aimed at dismantling the prison industrial complex (PIC) and building the life-affirming horizon to which abolition aspires.

Zepp Wellness



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